Get Involved by Giving Your Time
We could not do what we do without YOU!
If you have questions or if you are interested in any of our volunteer roles, please fill out the volunteer form below to have one of our Community Relations Specialists reach out to you. Thank you for your consideration!

Devotion Leader
Class is started every day with a devotion session based off of the book The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. You can go through a chapter of the devotional with them if you’d like, or you can share your testimony, a Biblical passage, or whatever is on your heart.

Guest Speaker
Our guest speakers generally speak to our class for 45 minutes to an hour. We normally advise speakers to talk about whatever is on their heart: their testimony, something work-related that they’re passionate about teaching (ex: dressing well in the workplace, interview skills, etc.), or sometimes potential job opportunities for students with their company. Students always learn something from every class speaker, regardless of the topic.

Lunch Provider
Many of our students come from food-insecure backgrounds. With that in mind, we provide lunch at Noon to our students for every day that they are in the classroom to ensure that they receive at least one quality meal while in our program. Many lunch providers also provide enough food for our students to take home to-go plates.
The lunch provider can help in a couple of different ways: they can make/order lunch and deliver it to our office, or some people will simply reimburse us for the total cost of a lunch that the staff orders and picks up. Lunch providers are also welcome to sit and eat lunch with the students.

Mentors are matched with a student at the start of the class cycle, and meet with their student once a week from the second week of the class cycle through the sixth (five total weeks/meetings) during the lunch hour.
They are meant to be a source of support for the student and another shoulder for our students to lean on for more personal matters. Mentors provide invaluable wisdom and encouragement to our students and create a lasting positive influence.

Mock Interviewer
On Friday afternoons, mock interviewers help students prepare for real-life interviews by simulating an interview with typical interview questions, providing feedback to both the student in real-time and to the staff via a form for them to review.
We are always searching for professionals who can assist us with these interviews. This is crucial for our students’ success!

Prayer Warriors
Prayer is powerful, and we can never have enough prayer for our classes. Our prayer warriors commit to pray for our students, staff, and program every day.