Student Stories: Latasha Gallahan

Student Stories: Latasha Gallahan

Latasha Gallahan came from a broken home, but it was also a home where her mother taught her and her two sisters the value of hard work. As a young adult, Latasha became a mother to a baby girl. She got married and moved to Tennessee a few years later and had another...
Student Stories: Yolanda Paige

Student Stories: Yolanda Paige

When Yolanda Paige’s father passed away, it came as a shock. No one knew of his illness — not even his family. As her way of coping, she began looking for love in all of the wrong ways and places. Then, one day, her sister picked her up from work in the...
Student Stories: Laneisha Edwards

Student Stories: Laneisha Edwards

At 39 years of age, Laneisha Edwards found herself homeless and crying out to God for help. She was extremely tired and wanted to find her children. She wanted to stop doing drugs as she realized that was preventing her from becoming who she needed to be. Then, this...
Student Stories: Jeffrey Yearby

Student Stories: Jeffrey Yearby

Early in 2022, Jeffery was unemployed and losing hope in life. He grew up in an area where trouble was easy to find and he had no problem finding it. Jeffery found himself hanging out with the wrong crowd doing the wrong things including drugs/alcohol and even a...

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